Wednesday 7 August 2019



Section 1
This section contains one question. The marks for each part of the question are shown in brackets. You are
advised to spend approximately half an hour on it.
1. Following a significant increase in accidents, a health and safety campaign is to be launched within
an organisation to encourage safer working by employees.
(a) Outline how the organisation might ensure that the nature of the campaign
is effectively communicated to, and understood by, the employees. (8)
(b) Other than poor communication, describe the organisational factors that
could limit the effectiveness of the campaign. (12)
Section 2
This section contains ten questions and you are advised to spend approximately 90 minutes on it. The marks for
each question or part of a question are shown in brackets.
2. Outline reasons for maintaining good standards of health and safety within an organisation.(8)
3. Outline the key areas that should be addressed in the ‘arrangements’ section of a health
and safety policy document. (8)
4 (a) Explain why it is important for an organisation to set targets in terms of its health and
safety performance. (2)
(b) Outline SIX types of target that an organisation might typically set in relation to health
and safety. (6)
5 Employers have a requirement placed upon them under health and safety to involve their employees.
(i) Explain the difference between ‘consulting’ and ‘informing’ (2)
(ii) Outline the health and safety matters on which employers must consult their employees.
6 Outline the main health and safety issues to be included in an induction training
programme for new employees. (8)
7 Outline ways in which the health and safety culture of an organisation might be improved (8)
8 With respect to the management of risk within the workplace:
(i) Explain the meaning of the term ‘hierarchy of control’. (2)
(ii) Outline, with examples, the standard hierarchy that should be applied with
respect to controlling health and safety risks in the workplace. (6)
9 (a) Explain, using an example, the meaning of the term ‘risk’. (2)
(b) Outline the factors that should be considered when selecting individuals to
assist in carrying out risk assessments in the workplace. (6)
10 Outline the immediate and longer term actions that should be taken following a serious
injury accident at work. (8)
11 List the written information that is likely to be examined during a health and safety audit. (8)

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